Friday, 26 March 2010

Neighbourhood Watch, Meeting Highlights (2-Mar)

If you have any comments or suggestions on how to deter the expected anti-social behaviour in warmer months, please feel free to submit it to the Safer Neighbourhoods Team (SNT).

The next Neighbourhood Watch meeting will be held on Wednesday, 28 April at 7.30pm at LIFRA Hall.
  1. PC Mick May, who conducted the walk around Grand Union Place, will be delivering his report on how we could potentially improve security on our estate as soon as it is ready.
  2. Watch out for people tailgating you; make sure the doors are closed behind you at all times. Do not allow people into the building if you don't know them.
  3. There will be an increased police presence, thanks in part to the 78% majority vote for targeting policing operations achieved at the You Decide event in early February.
  4. SNT will include more morning patrols. SNT conducted some early morning patrols and stopped some kids loitering in Candle Street junction with Harford Street.
  5. The SNT will let us know about Danger Awareness courses available to us from the Home Office. These will recommence sometime in April.