Friday, 11 February 2011

Annual General Meeting: 12.30pm on Sat, 19-Mar

Thank you for helping us to select a date for our Annual General Meeting.  After counting all your votes, it was clear that Saturday is the preferred day for most residents.  It gives us great pleasure to invite you to our meeting next month:
Saturday, 19th March at 12.30pm
LIFRA Hall, 7 Halley St E14 7SS

Please note the later time of 12.30pm.  This is because the hall is occupied for another group until noon, and we need time to set up.  At this year-in-review presentation, we'll show you what we've accomplished in 2010.  Plus it’s your chance to join us in improving Grand Union Place for 2011 and beyond.  Please note that you must attend the AGM in order to be nominated or vote for the new committee.

Remember, this is your chance to:
- Share ideas on future improvements
- Arrange social events and outings
- Get more involved in your community!

We look forward to seeing you all there.