Saturday, 4 August 2012

UPDATE: Lift at Block 91-141 Mercer Court

East Thames have recently advised all residents about the current status of the lift and their proposed actions. Stannah Lifts (the contractor) have been on site and have fitted some additional parts to improve the reliability of the lift in Block 91-141 Mercer Court. Stannah also tested the effectiveness of the additional parts and whilst this test was being run, they have identified a different intermittent fault with the lift. Stannah managed to recreate the same issue after running it for 2 hours whilst on site. Stannah engineers were unhappy with putting the lift back into service until they had spoken to the manufacturer of the hydraulic drive to get some advice. Stannah plan to return to site soon to fix the problem and return the lift into service. Noticeboard in Block 91-141 has been updated on 19/7/2012.