Sunday, 7 October 2012

Updates from East Homes

Lifts at Block 91-141 Mercer Court: East Thames, Bellways and Stannah Lifts are monitoring the performance of this lift. We have received the consultants report and are currently going through his findings. We hope to update residents shortly about these findings and set out our future plan for the lift. The lift however is back in service and working.   

Johnson Lock Court - Roller Shutter Gate: Our contractors have identified that the roller shutter control box has become faulty due to water being found in the box. It was then identified that there is a leak emanating from the walls which will require addressing by East Thames. Our electricians will order a new control box however we will need to repair the source of the leak first. Our maintenance team will be raising a job to resolve the matter.  

Firewatch Court/Horseley Court Main Swing Gate: We have identified an issue with the stoppers on this gate. Our contractors have been instructed to resolve the matter, (parts are on order). We apologise for any inconvenience this is causing residents we hope to resolve the matter soon.  

Mercer Court-Scaffolding placed adjacent to Block 91- 141 Mercer Court: Bellways Homes are currently carrying out latent defects works to the roof tiling, unfortunately the works has been delayed. Residents should still park on Candle Street until further notice.  

Security Service: Enigma Security have been instructed by East Thames to continue with their service until further notice. You may re-call that East Thames initially agreed to funding the security until the end of September 2012. This is a discretionary decision taken by The Neighbourhood Management Department. We can confirm that Security will run 3 days per week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (Patrol time: 2.30pm - 1.30am).          

Mercer Court Sliding Gate Pilot: We informed residents earlier this year that we would trial a new gate at Mercer Court and if the gate operated successfully we would look to place orders for further gates to be installed at Johnson/Tramway Court & Coalstore/Gray Court. The gate trial was set initially for three months until the end of September 2012. This period was initially set to allow an assessment of it's fitness for purpose. The gate pilot has since been extended by a further two months, as it was felt that the 3 months was not an adequate period to assess this gate properly. We have asked Inova Gates to make further improvements on the Mercer Court Gate following an independent assessment by a Health & Safety consultant. We hope that no further extension will be required after the end of November. An assessment of the gates will be made at the end of November as to their suitability and a decision will be made as to whether they will be retained and similar gates installed elsewhere across the development.