Sunday, 6 January 2013
Lift Update 91-141 Mercer Court
East Thames apologies for any inconvenience caused to residents as a result of the lift breaking down during the Christmas Holidays. We instructed Stannah (Lift Engineers) to attend on 03/01/2013 to resolve the fault with the lift. Unfortunately the lift could not be repaired on this visit.
Stannah have informed East Thames that they intend to visit on 07/01/2013. Stannah will be using specialist equipment to release the lift cart which is currently stuck, they will also be installing a new safety pawl device as mentioned previously in our updates.
We hope that the lift can be operational for resident use once Stannah have repaired the identified faults. Once again, we apologise for the delay in resolving this matter.
If you would like an update please contact your Neighbourhood Manager on 020 8522 3275.