We can confirm that ground works were carried out in the underground car park in March 2014. The works involved installing a new soak away channel which will help direct the flow of any excess water to the main drain pump. These works are now complete and the excess the water has been cleared.
East Thames will monitor the car park drains to determine whether these additional works have resolved the flooding issue at the car park.
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused to many of the car park users and thank you for your patience throughout the past few months.
As from Friday 25th April 2014 – Vehicles should no longer be parking in the shared courtyard area without displaying a yellow visitor permit. Underground East Thames permits are no longer valid in the courtyard.
Vehicles which are not displaying valid yellow visitor permit will receive a penalty charge notice!
Please can All car park users return their vehicles to the underground car park with immediate effect of this notice. Please can residents who either own or rent a parking bay ensure that you display your East Thames parking bay permits in your vehicle window at all times.
Thank You
Shaique Choudhury l Neighbourhood Manager l East Thames Neighbourhood Management l 29-35 West Ham Lane, Stratford, London E15 4PH
Direct Dial: 0208 522 3275 l Switchboard: 0208 522 2000 l Fax: 0208 522 2001 l shaique.choudhury@east-thames. co.uk